22 January 2017
Migrants on trial for 'torching refugee housing after food was served during Ramadan'
TWO migrants are on trial for arson after allegedly torching their own refugee housing in a protest at food being served during Ramadan.
00:10 Posted in EUROPE, German, Real Islam | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
Covering Up Armenian Genocide
"In all of these operations children were part of the general population targeted for wholesale destruction. In many instances they were also subjected to separate and differential forms of mass murder." — Professor Vahakn Dadrian, in Children as Victims of Genocide: The Armenian Case.
00:00 Posted in Real Islam, TURKEY | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
19 January 2017
Anti-Christian Attacks Rise 38 Per Cent in France
Anti-Christian attacks in France rose by 38 per cent in 2016, a pressure group has said.
22:14 Posted in EUROPE, FRANCE, Real Islam | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
Second Cathedral Embroiled In Muslim Prayer Controversy
Gloucester Cathedral has provoked controversy by hosting an event featuring the Islamic call to prayer, as well as Buddhist chanting, Rasta drumming, and
22:07 Posted in DUTCH, ENGLAND, EUROPE, FRANCE, Real Islam, SPAIN | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
Migrant 'Children' Rape a Real Child in Sweden…
DOMESTIC. Two so-called unaccompanied refugee has requested arrested on suspicion of rape of a child in a home in HVB Dalsjöfors in Borås municipality.
21:58 Posted in EUROPE, Real Islam | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
Germany: Muslim translators deliberately misinterpreting Christians to get them deported
In a damning verdict on Germany’s Ministry for Immigration and Refugees (BAMF), Rev Gottfried Martens said Afghan and Iranian migrants who convert to Christianity are subject to “kangaroo court” hearings where “almost exclusively Muslim translators” falsely translate their responses….. He also said Muslim translators “deliberately stick the knife in our congregational members by falsely translating what they say”.
21:50 Posted in EUROPE, German | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
10 January 2017
Christians Need To Stop Being So Naive About Muslim Immigration
Many Christians have been lulled into a childish view of the world and think that deep down Muslims are not too different from them.
18:34 Posted in EUROPE, FRANCE, German, Middle East, Real Islam, RUSSIA, SPAIN, UN, UNITED STATES | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
Half of German Women Feel Unsafe in Their Own Neighborhoods
Nearly half of Germany’s women now feel unsafe walking about their local neighbourhood, a survey has revealed, with many taking precautions such as pepper spray with them when out at night.
18:02 Posted in German | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
Afghan refugee who raped sleeping woman after she let him stay in her flat
AN AFGHAN refugee who raped a woman after she let him stay in her flat has been jailed for three and a half years.
17:54 Posted in German | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
Seven migrants arrested after a sleeping homeless man was set on fire on Christmas Eve at a Berlin subway station
Men, aged 15 to 21, are suspected of torching the victim as he slept on platform
17:47 Posted in German | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
08 January 2017
Michelle Obama to Muslims, immigrants: ‘This country belongs to you’
First Lady Michelle Obama became visibly emotional on Friday as she spoke to youth about pursuing higher education. It was her final speech as First Lady of the United States. C-SPAN
09:16 Posted in UNITED STATES | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |