31 January 2014
Christians in Egypt murdered for failing to pay the jizya (Islamic tax on non-Muslims)
Quran 9:29: Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger and those who acknowledge not the religion of
04:26 Posted in Egypt, IRAQ, Lebanon, Middle East, Real Islam | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
12 January 2013
Explosion hits shop in South Lebanon
An explosion hit a shop for selling alcoholic beverages in South Lebanon, a local television station reported.
11:40 Posted in Lebanon, Middle East | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
11 September 2012
Lebanese Christian villagers tremble on Syrian border
A tiny Christian village in northern Lebanon, perched on a hill overlooking Syria, Minjez is a bucolic and peaceful place by day but terrorized at night by shelling from across the border
09:36 Posted in Lebanon, Middle East | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
07 September 2012
Report: Hizbullah Training 30 Members in Nicaragua Base
Hizbullah is using a training base established by Iran in northern Nicaragua near the border with Honduras, the Israeli radio reported on Thursday.
02:36 Posted in Lebanon, NIGERIA | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
01 September 2012
Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2012
Several reports appearing in July indicate that Christian minorities all around the Muslim world—especially women and children—are being abducted, tortured, raped, forced to convert to Islam, and/or enslaved. In Egypt, at least
07:13 Posted in Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Lebanon, NIGERIA, Saudi Arabia, TURKEY | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
09 August 2012
Tell Congress: Minorities at Risk in the Middle East
Tell Congress: Minorities at Risk in the Middle East
28 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

The elected president of Egypt, Mohammed Morsi, is openly a member of Freedom and Justice Party, which is the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, in his speech at his swearing-in ceremony on Friday, June 29, 2012, he promised to try to free the Egyptian-born militant Islamist, Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, who was convicted of planning to attack other New York City landmarks after the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.
The Christian minority in the Middle East is facing a growing threat and thousands are being forced to flee their homes as they face harassment and persecution from radial Islamist factions. For many years, the Middle East Christians have been ignored by the outside world. In the first ten days of Ramadan, there have been eight major
attacks on Christians in Egypt that we know about.
On July 24, 2012, Dr. Yassir al-Burhamihas issued new fatwa, published
in the “Voice of the Righteous Salaf,” forbidding Muslim taxi-drivers and bus-drivers from transporting Coptic priests to their churches, which he depicted as "more forbidden than taking someone to a liquor bar."
On Friday July, 27 2012 Muslims set fire to Christian homes in Dahshura village near the Egyptian capital after a fight between a Muslim man and a Christian laundry worker over burnt shirt. The police said in the early morning, after the morning payer, the Muslim man came to the laundry worker's house, caught the worker's brother, Maher
Rizkalla Ghali, put out his eyes, and burned the house. Not only that on July 31 2012, security forces evacuated a priest from church of Saint George in Dahshur, and forced all Coptic Christians in the village to evacuate immediately for their own security, and to release the security forces from all liability and all responsibility for their safety if they did not leave the village within two hours. Copts were torched of their homes and enforced displacement, while not a single action is taken against the Muslim culprits."
A new report from George Washington University professor Michele Clark
and Coptic rights activist Nada Ghaly has argued that thousands of young Coptic Christian girls in Egypt are the victims of kidnapping and forced servitude by Muslims in the North African country. The fact that Christians are under attack by Islamists, especially in Egypt and Syria, where Christian women and children are regularly abducted, molested, and forced to convert; where churches and monasteries are regularly attacked; where blasphemy laws, imprisonment, murders, and calls for jizya (payment to stay Christian) are back.
In the past Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has, called religious freedom a "bedrock priority" of the Obama administration's foreign policy." She also said that, the United States was ready towork with Egypt's democratically elected leaders, but reaffirmed that
‘our engagement with those leaders will be based on their commitment
to universal human rights and universal democratic principles.
That’s why we hold president Obama responsible for the erroneous direction of his foreign policy in the Middle East. Millions of powerless Christians will be seen as troublesome and unwelcome infidels, not just by "extremists," but by the government as well, which, as history teaches, can be the first step to genocide.
Because of these recent attacks on Christians in Egypt, We ask Congress and the Senate to:
1- Conduct a full investigation about the approximately 50 million
dollars sent before and after the presidential election to support
Mohammad Morsi, the Egyptian president, a Muslim brotherhood leader.
2- Do more to stop Muslim brotherhood from any progress toward ruling Egypt or other countries in the Middle East in order to protect minorities in these countries.
3- Open American embassies to provide asylum for all persecuted minorities in the Middle East especially the Christians.
Enter Your Name and Submit to Sign
15:45 Posted in Egypt, IRAQ, Lebanon, Middle East, Real Islam | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
30 July 2012
Church plays down controversial flyer in Akkar
Lebanon: Church officials and politicians in Akkar played down the impact of a flyer dropped at a church the area, ahead of next
15:06 Posted in Lebanon | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
09 February 2012
As order breaks down in Syria, its Christians suffer the consequences
Left Foot Forward’s Ed Jacobs is a member of the Christian Socialist Movement and City Evangelical Church in Leeds and writes in a personal capacity.
22:34 Posted in Lebanon, PHILIPPINES | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
30 December 2011
Bombs, threats ahead of New Year in Lebanon resort
11:17 Posted in Lebanon, UNITED STATES | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
12 August 2011
Two men killed handling explosives in Beirut suburb
07:42 Posted in Lebanon | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
29 July 2011
In Lebanon, Shiites take possession of a chapel of the Virgin
09:03 Posted in Lebanon | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
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