25 April 2006
Jury: Hamid Hayat Guilty on All Counts
A jury has convicted Hamid Hayat of all counts against him in his terrorism trial. Just hours earlier, a mistrial was declared in his father's case.
21:58 Posted in UNITED STATES | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
23 April 2006
A Statement From The Clergy Of The North Eastern United States Of America
“The time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service.” (John 16:2) Copts around the world were saddened and dismayed during the most holy days of the year by the events transpiring in the great city of Alexandria
09:39 Posted in UNITED STATES | Permalink | Comments (1) | Facebook |
29 March 2006
NYU Surrenders to the Heckler’s Veto in Mohammed Cartoon Dispute
NEW YORK, March 29, 2006—In violation of its own policies, New York University (NYU) is refusing to allow a student group to show the Danish cartoons of Mohammed at a public event tonight. Even though the purpose of the event is to
18:32 Posted in UNITED STATES | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
27 March 2006
PLEASE READ IT(WAKE UP BEFORE ITS TOO LATE) American Muslims gaining a foothold in politics
TEANECK, N.J. — The mayor of nearby Prospect Park is a 30-year-old high school business teacher with a young son. He was a volunteer firefighter at 18 and has been active in his community ever since. But when he sought the mayor's office last fall, voters received anonymous fliers calling him a "betrayer" tied to the 9/11 terrorists
06:20 Posted in UNITED STATES | Permalink | Comments (3) | Facebook |
26 March 2006
N.J. Dems Dump Arab-American Candidate
TRENTON, N.J. - Democrats pulled an Arab-American candidate from their election ticket on Saturday amid a furor over comments he made four years ago that some interpreted as sympathetic to Palestinian suicide bombers
02:16 Posted in UNITED STATES | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
25 March 2006
TO THE CHRISTIANS IN U.S. WAKE UP Lawyer wants Jesus off school wall
news.monstersandcrtics.com) An American Civil Liberties Union lawyer has asked a West Virginia high school to remove a picture of Jesus Christ that has hung at the school for 40 years. Harold Sklar, who works for the FBI, told the...
13:40 Posted in UNITED STATES | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
22 March 2006
U.S. Backs Afghan Man Who Converted to Christianity

07:33 Posted in UNITED STATES | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
20 March 2006
Emirates Aided Kin of Palestinian Militants

17:08 Posted in UNITED STATES | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
14 March 2006
For Muslim Who Says Violence Destroys Islam, Violent Threats
Three weeks ago, Dr. Wafa Sultan was a largely unknown Syrian-American psychiatrist living outside Los Angeles, nursing a deep anger and despair about her fellow Muslims
20:35 Posted in UNITED STATES | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
Sudden Jihad Syndrome (in North Carolina)
NY Sun title: "The Quiet-Spoken Muslims Who Turn to Terror"]"Individual Islamists may appear law-abiding and reasonable, but they are part of a totalitarian movement, and as such, all must be considered potential killers by Daniel Pipes
07:25 Posted in UNITED STATES | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
Things Non-Offensive to Islam
March 2006From late 2005 through early 2006, there were deadly worldwide riots over cartoons of Islam's founder, Mohammad, published by a Danish Paper, the Jyllands-Posten (later reprinted by other European papers to show their support for free speech).
07:05 Posted in UNITED STATES | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |