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16 January 2007

Appeals court vacates sentence of "millennium bomber"

medium_mn_millennium501.jpg(sfgate.com) A federal appeals court on Tuesday vacated the sentence of "millennium bomber" Ahmed Ressam, who was arrested near the U.S.-Canadian border and convicted of plotting to bomb Los Angeles International Airport. Ressam was arrested in December...

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10 January 2007

The Boston mosque's Saudi connection

boston.com)   SPEAKING AT the State Department in 1999, Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, a Sufi sheik and leader of the Islamic Supreme Council of...

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09 January 2007

America's Prisons: Breeding Grounds for Muslim Converts

medium_iraq_detained.jpg(aim.org)  If I had to pick a single issue on which I would hope to see our counter-terrorism policy give more focus to during 2007, it would be to have real progress...

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08 January 2007

New in America: Not Muslim, No Taxi

medium_airportcab.jpg(nysun.com)  Islamic taxi drivers at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport are refusing passengers carrying alcohol and blind folks with seeing-eye dogs because the animals' saliva is...

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06 January 2007

America to Give $86.4 Million to Terrorists?

medium_Satellite1.jpg(jpost.com)  The US government plans to transfer $86.4 million to the security forces of embattled Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in the coming days, senior...

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05 January 2007

Wiretaps are basis of case linked to 'dirty bomb'

Initial accusations have been redirectedIn 1997, as the government listened in on their phone call, Adham Hassoun, a computer programmer in Broward County, Florida, proposed a road trip to José Padilla, a low-wage worker there. The excursion to Tampa, Florida, would be his

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02 January 2007

Christian woman facing fight for sons

medium_passport.2.jpgBattle is over husband's desire to see them 'good Muslims or dead'(WorldNetDaily.com )

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26 December 2006

1st Muslim congressman thrills crowd in Dearborn

medium_Keith_Ellison_MUSLIM_asshole.jpg(freep.com)  Speaking in Dearborn late Sunday night, the first Muslim elected to Congress told a cheering crowd of Muslims they should remain steadfast in their faith and push for justice. "You can't back down. You can't chicken out. You can't be afraid. You got to have faith in Allah, and you've got to stand up and be a real...

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24 December 2006

Muslim vote is powerful, group told

(http://www.freep.com)Muslims played a critical role in some key elections this year. But elected officials won't take them seriously if they don't continue to organize and turn out Muslim voters, two politically active Muslims said Saturday at a convention in Dearborn.

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23 December 2006


medium_10509139_240X180.jpgmedium_00000000000121547.jpg(michaelsavage.com)  Let me begin by saying I have been a friend of Chabad for...

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11 December 2006

Ousted imams want airline settlement

medium_Protest_4.2.jpgWASHINGTON, Dec. 11 (UPI) -- Five of six Muslim imams who were taken off a US Airways flight in Minneapolis last month want an out-of-court from the airline for the ordeal.

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