20 June 2010
Tension because of the Gulf of Suez incident of rape a Christian girl from Muslim farmer
Caused the crime of rape in the volatile sectarian tensions between Muslims and Christians in Suez, ? ?
Caused the crime of rape in the volatile sectarian tensions between Muslims and Christians in Suez, ? ? prevailed in the case of congestion in the village garden district Ganain Suez following the gathered dozens of Christians from villages around the village after the incident, ? ? submitted a Christian girl in the village, communication ? ? accusing the Muslim farmers Village Batsabha force in the fold of cattle on a farm her family and police forces have moved to the village to contain the situation, ? ? Police arrested the farm ?. ? suspect denies the use of force against the girl, ? ? claimed he raped her with a friend of his desire and pure writ ?. ? denied a friend accused of complicity in the crime, ? ? and ordered Mohamed El-Sharkawi and prosecutor Faisal Ganain jailed farmer and his friend ? ? 4 ? ? days pending investigation , ? ? and refer the victim of Forensic Medicine, ? ? and asked about the FBI inquiries
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