27 April 2007
200 Million Minority Islam’s apologists completely miss the point
For three consecutive days, April 10-12, Tariq Ramadan, the controversial Muslim activist who was denied a U.S. visa for questionable activities (such as making “charitable” donations to the terrorist organization Hamas, which regularly commissions suicide-attacks), was invited by Georgetown University to give a one-way talk live via satellite — a move which many, including several Georgetown faculty, protested.
Meanwhile, on the very same three days that Ramadan was exonerating Islam of terrorism, various Islamic groups around the world engaged in wanton acts of terrorism: On April 10, three suicide bombers in Morocco detonated themselves while being chased by police, killing, among others, a child. That same day, at the other end of the Islamic world, in Iraq, a woman detonated herself killing 16 men who were waiting in an employment line. On April 11 in Algeria, an al Qaeda-sponsored suicide-bombing campaign targeted the prime minister’s office, claiming 33 lives and wounding 222. And on April 12, hours after a suicide truck tore through a major bridge in Baghdad, killing at least ten people, another suicide bomber detonated himself in the Iraqi-parliament cafeteria, killing at least eight (including lawmakers who were trying to create a viable democracy for Iraq). How does one reconcile Ramadan’s rosy picture of Islam with these oft-recurring and ubiquitous acts of terrorism — all perpetrated by Muslims and in the name of Islam? Ramadan insists that Islam does not teach terrorism, much less suicide bombings. However, considering that we have reached a point now that on almost any given day some Muslim somewhere detonates him- (and now, her-) self in an effort to kill the perceived enemies of Islam; considering that, since Ramadan’s three-day lecture, nearly 500 additional people have been killed in suicide attacks, primarily in Iraq — is that not profound evidence to the contrary? Shall we judge based on words (such as Ramadan’s) or deeds (such as the Islamists’)? While Ramadan and other apologists can pontificate all they want about “true” Islam, the fact remains: There are countless and nameless others who are so convinced that Islam extols not just terrorism (see Koran 8:12 or 8:57 for an idea of where they get this notion), but suicide-attacks — that is, “martyrdom-operations,” which radicals believe lead directly to paradise — that without a second thought they happily sacrifice their own lives. Surely if they believed that their actions were, as Ramadan vociferously maintains, “anti-Islamic” sins that lead directly to hell, they would not be committing them in the first place — and all while screaming “Allah is great.” Moreover, if terrorism and suicide bombings have no connection to Islam per se and are instead byproducts of frustration and political oppression, or, as Ramadan asserts, “European colonialism,” why are we not seeing suicide bombers in other dictatorial, oppressive, and impoverished regions of the world, many of which were also colonized by Europe? Despite the fact that the Islamic world has the lion’s share of dramatic news headlines here in the West, it is not the only region in the world suffering, both from internal and external causes. For instance, even though practically all of sub-Saharan Africa had been colonized by Europe and is currently riddled with political corruption and oppression, when it comes to political violence and terrorism, no other sub-Saharan nation can come anywhere near to Somalia — which also happens to be the only sub-Saharan country that a) is entirely Muslim and b) has experienced a suicide attack, which, admittedly, is a new style of terror for Somalia that was ushered in only with the rise of the Islamist Sharia regime. CONTINUED 1 2 Next > |
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