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15 May 2006

Deja vu -- Judith Apter Klinghoffer

VVD-member of Parliament Ayaan Hirsi Ali must leave her protected house in The Hague within four months. The Court of Justice in The Hague came to this decision today (28-04-2006) in a court case the neighbors of Hirsi Ali had started against her since they feared her presence is a security risk.

Sixty years have passed but not much has changed. People still ask the police to remove their persecuted neighbors instead of giving them shelter. And why not? People are followers and in this case they simply follow the behavior of their leaders. Holland is a country where everybody loves to talk about solidarity yet no solidarity was shown with the Danish cartoonists. . . .

Betrayal and cowardice have become integrated into the European psyche. You can see it in our foreign policies where we either refuse to help our allies or offer only token assistance. . . .

Pacifism is great as long as aggressive dictators don't take advantage of it. When they do pacifism shares the responsibility for the results. This is what George Orwell had to say about the subject:" "Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist. This is elementary common sense. If you hamper the war effort of one side you automatically help that of the other....In practice, 'he that is not with me is against me'".

It's interesting to see a contemporary George use almost the same words and be derided for it. After 9/11 George Bush told the world 'You are either with us or against us' which has been taken as another example of what a simpleton he is. I guess a lot of people don't understand that when your life is at stake you really don't want nuance. You want to know whom you can trust and who you can't. Who will stick with you and who won't, who is on your side and who isn't. In Europe, this question is becoming very urgent. Just ask Hirsi Ali.

Now, Critics Want Dutch Lawmaker Deported. So, they are looking to her naturalization records which unfortunately are less than truthful. I am glad the Washington Post and CBS news are amongst those who picked up the story. She was in the US and had lectured at Harvard. So, maybe, the publicity will shame the Dutch and they will stop doing the wrong thing. Maybe . . . I know one thing, this lady, bless her courageous heart, will not go quietly into the night. Do the Dutch really want another martyr on their conscience? (hat tip: Andrew Bostom)

FOR UPDATES see the Dutch student blogger's website Liberty and Justice and Hirsi Ali's own site.

Update: Islamists kill; Dutch expel; US welcomes

Here you will find a debate on my comparison between the Dutch treatment of Anne Frank and Hirsi Ali.

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