07 February 2006
After calling martyrdom operations are the greatest from of jihad Qaradawi is asking for apology?
Qaradawi, regarded by Muslims as a moderate cleric The TV Sheikh Youssef Al Qaradawi, who also heads the "International Alliance of Muslim Scholars" called for a "Muslim Day of Rage" on Friaday as a form of protest against the cartoons deemed offensive to Islam's prophet Muhammad
Does Qaradawi have the right to ask for apology?
This cartoon particularly offended Qaradawi:

Despite our reservations against such cartoon, let's see what Qaradawi thinks of suicide bombings:
Qaradawi's own words on his website:
" Martyrdom Operations Are the Greatest Form of Jihad:
Dr. Yussuf Qaradawi has confirmed that the operations carried out by the Muslim youth that defend the lands of Islam and the religion and dignity of Islam are the greatest forms of Jihad for the sake of Allah. They fall under the definition of legitimate terrorism… 'I maintain that it is wrong to consider these acts as 'suicidal,' because these are heroic acts of martyrdom, which are in fact very different from suicide'"
01:50 Posted in Egypt | Permalink | Comments (8) | Facebook |
i'll pray for you . GOD help the christians in egypt from someone like you
Posted by: copts | 06 February 2006
I am terrified by Islam and the lack of response from western and other nations to this global threat. It seems reminiscient to me of the time before the explosion of Nazism in Europe and North Africa when the leaders of Britain were claiming that there will be peace in our time. While all the time the Germans were arming themselves for a major fight that eventually lead to the deaths of nearly 60 million (roughly) people. Please good folk of the world where ever you maybe....do not let it happen again.
Daniel Pascoe Australia.
Posted by: Daniel Pascoe | 06 February 2006
I believe that Daniel Pascoe and the rest of the Western World have every reason to feel terrified. With our own people`s population declining, and the insidious growth of Islam, both in terms of numbers and influence around the world, I fear for my Grandchildren`s future. Lies and more lies are the order of the day, each and every time Western politicians open their meely mouths where the `Religion of Peace and Tolerance` is concerned. I would advocate the reading of two books on this subject, ` The Sword Of The Prophet` and ` Eurabia`. Jews and Christians alike are being `sold out` by Western Liberal Elites, who use Islam as a means of finally wiping Christianity from the hearts and souls of Western man (as advocated by Marx, Lucacs, Gramsci anf the Frankfurt School. What they do not realise is that Islamic scholars are using the School`s technique of ` Critical Theory` and are crushing the will and spririt of western people to resist. Islam is always the victim, Christians, Jews and the West always the oppressors. Islamists have rewritten history where it suits them. Ridley Scotts ` Kingdom Of Heaven` is a traversty of the truth. It was Islam which went on the offensive in the 7th Century. The Crusades were merely an answer to Muslim aggression. Similarly, while Muslims and their apologists decry the west for it`s colonialist past, they conveniently forget the imperialism of the Ottomans, who enslaved hundreds of thousands of Christians and sold them like meat in the market place. All around the world, one can witness Islamic aggression against Christians and Jews alike, and yet to most people, it`s a fact they know nothing about, because the Western media have been captured by so called Liberals whose intention is to destroy both the fabric and soul of their own traditions and culture. For what? Because if Islam succeeds in subduing The West, their (Liberals) idealist idea of a Utopia, where all are equal, will be crushed beneath the ` Sword of Islam`s Prophet` and Dhimmitude will reign for all who are not Muslim. There is an almighty clash of culture and civilisation ahead, and unless we, Christian, Jew and Western peoples stand fast, we will be eradicated as a distinct religous, ethnic group.
Posted by: Philip Jones | 07 February 2006
I agree, but can something be done? Majority of media are run by leftwingers and moral liberals. Most of the Europe is ruled by left-wing parties. Most of them are cowards and hipocrites. Europe is becoming Eurabia, Eurokalifat. In France live nearly 6 milion muslim population and the number is rapidly growing. Many of them are radicals, committed to the cause of spreading Islam and fighting Jihad, threatening everyone oposing. Same thing is happening everywhere in the west of the continent - from Spain, through France, Holland, Belgium, UK, Germany, Italy, Austria... Only "new members" of EU like Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and baltic states do not share the same problem, for now.
Posted by: Slavomir | 07 February 2006
you all right so what we do about it ,we cant sit and watch islam taking over the world we have to be united one country and one union agnist islam and not just muslims AGNIST THE MAIN PROBLAM QURAN AND WE HAVE TO MAKE NEW LOWS SO THEY CANT KEEPING COMING, AND WE DONT WE DONT MAKE THEM CITIZAN IN ANY COUNTRY THE CAN STAY LEGELE BUT NO CITIZAN
Posted by: zack | 07 February 2006
As an Israeli, and a Proud Nationalist Jew, who's surounded with Satan's advisers ( i.e. Palestinian clerics and followers ), I has to say, that I strengthen your hands, I hope Olmert and other Politicians will do the same, that's pretty much all we can do.
I'm afraid God wants a WW with the Neo Nazi muslims.
Shma Yisrael Hadonay Eloheinu Hadonay Ehad, ase mashehu lemaan hashukim shelo ketzedek.
Posted by: Eran | 07 February 2006
Avinu shebashamyaim, tzur Yisrael vego'alo
barekh et medinat Yisrael reishit tzemichat geulateinu.
Hagein aleyha be'evrat chasdekha ufros aleyha sukkat shelomekha ushelach orekha va'amitekha lerasheha, sareha, veyo'atzeha vetakneim be'atzah tovah milfanekha. Chazeik et yedei meginei eretz kodsheinu vehanchileim Eloheinu yeshuah va'ateret nitzahon te'atreim, venatata shalom ba'aretz vesimchat olam leyoshveha.
Vinomar, amen.
Greetings from Poland
You're right - Islam is a deception made by Satan himself. Jahudi are the chosen nation, people beloved by God and only Satan could create such violent cult, that is full of lies, deception,hatred towards everyone and especially towards Jahudi. Yahweh has promised to bless those who bless Yisrael and curse those who curse Jahudi. Allah is not Yahweh. I'm a follower of Messiah Yahshua and will always bless Yisrael and Yahudi.
In Jahweh's Shem
S. G.
Posted by: Slavomir | 07 February 2006
Posted by: mlksheikh | 07 February 2006
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