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29 December 2005

Lies of the NY times reporter

The NY Times' ABEER ALLAM says there are "No Posters From Islamists in U.S. Mission" and falsely claims that ( the only posters were those of the black-robed Coptic Christian pope, Shenuda III, and Santa Claus)

Ms. Allam is not telling the truth, and we challenge her to publish the image of Pope Shenouda she claimed to be posted at the embassy

In fact, there are no posters of Pope Shenouda at the embassy, unless she considers a small 2x3 image placed at one employee's desk as reported by the NY Sun to be a poster, and according to visa applicants even the Christmas tree at the embassy is a tree decorated with Islamic symbols such as the crescent.

Posters at the embassy seen by thousands of people over the past few years untill early December of 2005 when complaints were filed read (Islam is a religion of peace) with the image of some American Muslims including "Nihad Awad" from CAIR who was caught on video calling for the support of Hamas

"I am in support of the Hamas movement." - Nihad Awad

Other posters promoted Islam such as ( Islam is the religion of one billion people) , (Islam is the fastest growing religion in America) and some comments made by the grand Imam of Al Azhar indicating Islam as a religion of peace, in addition to poetic stanza praising Islam entitled (Tolerance of Islam)
Two large posters of mosques in the US, one in Arabic and another in English, show many mosques in the US with halos around it indicating holiness
All you have to do is visit this link here from the State Department's Arabic section and tell us what you see:
المساجد في الولايات المتحدة

The reception and security check employees at the embassy are veiled women. The individuals that review applications are veiled women.

There is a mosque at the USAID building, but there are no chapels. And Muslims get between 1.5 to 2 hours a day for prayer break, but non-Muslims don't get the same break.

Ms. Allam, a Muslim correspondent for the NY Times revealed her bias and ugly attitude at the end of her article when she referred to Copts in the US as "Coptic exile groups," as Copts in the US are not exiled.

18:25 Posted in Egypt | Permalink | Comments (0) |  Facebook |

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