16 January 2006
The sun was scorching. When I was about a league from the town, I saw a large tower rising in the midst of the plain, as white as Parian marble. I took the path which led to it... I sat down under the shade of the tower to enjoy a few moments
05:35 Posted in EUROPE | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
09 January 2006

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03 January 2006
Just How Many Muslims Are There...Really?
A little bite of islam is like a little bit of cancer
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28 December 2005
Why European women are turning to Islam
(christiansciencemonitor.com) Mary Fallot looks as unlike a terrorist suspect as one could possibly imagine: a petite and demure white Frenchwoman chatting with friends on a cell-phone, indistinguishable from any other young woman in the café where she sits sipping coffee.And that is

02:39 Posted in EUROPE | Permalink | Comments (0) | Facebook |
01 December 2005
Belgians learn suicide bomber was local woman
MONCEAU-SUR-SAMBRE, Belgium - She was the typical girl-next-door — pretty daughter of a hospital secretary who grew up on a quiet street in this rust-belt town and finished high school before becoming a baker’s assistant.Years later she was in Baghdad, carrying out a suicide bombing in the name of jihad — a disturbing sign of the reach of Islamic militancy.Neighbors say Muriel Degauque, who blew herself up last month at age 38 trying to attack U.S. troops, had lived a conventional life but became heavily involved in Islam after marrying an Algerian.
16:00 Posted in EUROPE | Permalink | Comments (2) | Facebook |
28 November 2005
Bosnia: Haven for Islamic radicals?
(iht.com) A police raid last month on an apartment near this city's airport uncovered evidence of an imminent suicide bombing, intensifying the fears of Western
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